Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A Loving God

It seems that God is at work in me.
I rejoice,in Him.
for every gift is from Him and Him alone.

I take pleasure in meeting him every morning.
Filling my cup, way up to the top.
He calls me there, every day.

Renew your spirit, he calls out to me.
But, Lord its hard sometimes.
Dear child I now.

But have faith in me, and me alone.
For I cover you always, and love you dearly.
No matter how many enemies try to steal that from you,
know that it can never be stolen.

My love is never ending, always excepting.
Repent and call out to me,
Turn away from that sin.
Follow me, and I will substain you.

Remember our walk together is our walk,
And no one elses.
When you go through valleys, I am there.
When you go through moutains, I am always there.

How could this be that you love a sinner like me?
Because I now you, watch over you, and created you for my purpose.
I now its hard not to sin, but you must remain in the truth, ME.
For I alone can help you in this journey.

Take courage, my dear child.
Time is coming soon, that we will be together forever.
Let us rejoice together, cry together, laugh together, and walk together.
I desire more of you Lord, today and always.

My walk is a hard walk sometimes Lord, and sometimes I can not go on.
I now child, in those times that you can not walk anymore, I carry you.

Rest in me and fill you spirit with my truth,
obey my commands
Repent and turn away from your sin.

Love you ALWAYS, God

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