Friday, June 29, 2007

My Faithful Friday

( I want to start faithful Friday. This is what it means to me. Being faithful as we all know is a huge part of a Christian walk. We are called to be faithful in everything we do. Please do not hear this as perfection, because we do not need to be perfect....just faithful. I'll show you what I mean....)

Today Lord help me walk in faith. That I leave this day unto you Lord.

I Stand and Glorify you today....

Help me to be faithful in getting my cleaning done.

I will faithfully memorize one scripture today.

I will faithfully show someone grace and mercy today

I will believe, and walk out in my faith, in those areas where I struggle today.

I will love my children faithfully today, no matter how many fights I may have to break up, no matter what

This is my first faithful list. And I believe in knowing I will be faithful today in these areas will give me something to say: I walked in being faithful in the small things Lord, help me to be faithful in the big things.


Connie Barris said...


come and visit.. I have a surprise for you..


~Layers*of*Me~ said...

What an awesome list! Prayers for you!