Thursday, May 31, 2007

1. I am thankful for all the lessons I am learning.
2. I am thankful for the nicer weather.
3. I am thankful for the beauty of rain.
4. I am thankful for the chance to share my testimony with others.
5. I am thankful for the cold that I have, and I would be even more thankful once its gone : )
6. I am totally thankful for the chance to reconnect with those whom I have lost touch with.
7. I am thankful that one the days I do not feel loved that God reasurres me that he does.
8. I am thankful for a loving family.
9. I am thankful that I am a hard working, loving, supporting, encouraging, forgiving, transparent mom.
10. I am thankful that my dog is potty training outside :}
11. I am thankful for all of the men and women who are serving in the Iraq war. Both Canadian and American.
12. I am thankful that I have the chance to live free.
13. I am thankful for all that I am reading in my Message Bible : )
14. I am thankful each day that God and I connect. And that I am thankful that I can serve Him.

Hope today there is something each one of you are grateful for. Blessings on you all!


Patty said...

I loved reading your Thankful List.

Hope you get over your cold soon. I had one for a month and praise God it's gone.

Just wanted to say hi! Have a blessed weekend.

Crystal said...

Thankfulness always seems to bring out the best in people.....Thankful Thursday is one of my favorite days, even if I didn't want to be Thankful today it was desperately necessary.
Thanks for stopping by my blog

Denise said...

Your thankful list blessed my heart.

Deena Peterson said...

That was a blessing to read. Loved your thankful about your cold...amen!!

eph2810 said...

Usually it is really hot already by this time of year, but we have been blessed with not so hot weather :)
Isn't it cool to be able to share our own testimony with others, so they might see what God has done in our own lives?
I too am grateful that I live in a country that is free and I can worship God without the angst of being persecuted.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week.

Blessings on your weekend and always.