Thursday, June 14, 2007

~Fridays Post on Thursday Night

Can there be another chance...... could there be enough grace and mercy? My question... my answer....yes for sure. God gives us so many chances...sometimes we get it right and sometimes we are so way off base. But I believe that when we realize that the choices we have made are totally wrong and that what we have done has hurt so many people we love, and in those moments of realization, we come crawling back. To that sturdy, foot of the cross, where Jesus said " Forgive them for they know not what they do." And with his out stretched arms he loved us enough to die for us. So then if that weight wasn't enough, he still loves us no matter what. Like especially when we " royally " mess things up...for that one millionth time. God never sees it that way, because he would never see us in those eyes... he never would. Because when God looks at us he sees love....he sees his child, one that he created and excepts with all the failures and faults....AMEN AMEN AMEN AMEN. He lifts us higher when we are broken....... he surrounds us with his out stretched arms, even when no one else would. That God is the one I love...because I know that he loves me.

I love the saying love the sinner not the sin. And sometimes we judge others based on there sins. And I believe that God has no part in sin, and dislikes it strongly. He never pushes us away rather he draws us closer----- restoring us----bring us into Holy repentance----forgiving us------releasing us-------and then once that is all done he celebrates with us, he prepares a huge feast.....the best linens will only do.........the best meals are prepared...and then, he fellowships with us. Because He loves us...everyone... all are equal before him.....

Isn't that amazing....God has been obviously taking me on this strong journey of restoration, forgiveness, and it is so great. I now sometimes when God is teaching us sometimes he makes us repeat it over and over until we believe it. Someone who I dearly love once stated, " Fake it until you make it." And I will never forget those wise words. Cause sometimes we never get that whole picture we need to solve our issues, and sometimes we have fallen so deeply for the lies that Satan has planted. But when truth is revealed, the enemy had no grounds to stand...... so bare with me.... I am learning!

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