Saturday, June 16, 2007

Only The Best

Wow.. God had been putting a lot of good things on my heart lately. A lot of things.... to many to count actually.....

I only want what God wants for me. And that desire in me is getting stronger. God is reveling life changing things to me and my family. And I feel the freedom to share some of them. As I shared in my other posts that I was home schooling my children this up coming year. And I was so afraid....terrified actually....but I want to share what God is doing in me. I was called to study the Amish. So I researched and researches there history... I felt the Lord calling me out. Calling me out into the destiny that he has for me and my children. And I felt so overwhelmed by it, refreshed and renewed by it. To stand firm in the truth..... to know that despite what others believe this is the only way to life.

Home schooling isn't just a thing people do. It is a way of life for many home schooler's. And no one home schooling family is exactly the same. But the foundations of a home schooling family remains. They want to teach there children there beliefs. And at a moment in time that was somewhat overwhelming...what is it I believe. ( It is good to go back to the basics so that the foundation one builds in there children's lives is built on the rock) Anyways, so my journey starts there. To understand my faith I was to look at the Amish for my guide. Weird I know God takes me places I would never thought of on my own.

So anyways, the Amish totally surround there children with strict biblical principles. They raise there children to be humble, loving, obedient to God's word, respect there elders or people in authority. Wow in today's society that is uncommon. Even Christian parents still have struggles with there children. Not really surprising.

There is only one way, God's way. No other way will do it for my family. And as a result my children are in for a loving surprise. A godly mother, who will lay that foundation. Who will hold them closely and will not let the stray. Who will train them in the ways of the Lord, being loving and forgiving. Who will demonstrate what Jesus Christ would have done.

So as I believe that God stirred in me to home school my children I will not wonder off that path the Lord has given me. Until the day the Lord says, enough. My fears are washed away. I'm not even worried about it. I am not worried about what should I teach, how to teach, etc. Instead God is the director and author of the best curriculum there is....the bible. There is no worries for tomorrow or what it shall bring. Because I now that my children are surrounded by God and he will teach them everything they need to now for the kingdom to come...

I am not frantic about cleaning or organizing, nope not me : ) big relief. I am not afraid, nope not me. I am though excited. I found my calling, understand it, and desire to fulfill it. Taking after the women before me who have made that same choice. To be invited by the Lord to raise these precious little ones he had given me. Enjoying them, encouraging them, understanding them, being a covering over them, leading them, teaching them, forgiving them, and blessing them for there lives wow what a gift.

~PS I will not be here for awhile I am looking for a house in the middle of no where. However, I will tell all once I now more.

Blessings to you all,


Connie Barris said...

I cannot wait til hear about your journey.. it will be awesome.. Your children will be very blessed as you will also..

have you read the book Boundaries by Townsend and Cloud? you might enjoy that as well....


Lani - the flowerlady said...

that's where we are now, in the middle of nowhere! We'll be homeschooling one in the fall, three boys going off to our very tiny public school...very different for us but what we feel God is calling us to at this time, as we pastor and farm.